1. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
What would you do differently to save this manga/make it good?
4. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Make Bonkers the MC
Make the current MC a girl
Expand on the tomboy and witch girl’s relationship
Get out of the forest by chapter 2 at most
No tournament arc
5. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Bonkers sucks, just make Grimm the MC. She’s the main reason Red Hood had a following at all.
6. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Not turn it into a shitty f**king battle shonen
7. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
It was just in the wrong magazine. All of these were. They never had a chance of meeting Shonen Jump’s high standards, they should have gone over to Shonen Magazine instead. Its standards are just low enough, almost anything can succeed there.
8. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
The author simply wasn’t skilled/smart enough.
9. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Add more fanservice.
10. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Focus more in making dark Grim stories like in the first chapter rather than falling over manga tropes like a magic organization made to train the MC. If the author wanted to show beautiful women he should have given the MC a bland, plain looking love interest so that the series could have gone on for a little longer.
11. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
クレイモアがクレアとラキでそうしたように、この漫画にはもっとストレートにグリムをメインの恋愛対象にして欲しかった。SS fans(?)にアピールする機会を無駄にした
I would have loved that the manga was more straightforward with Grimm being the main Love interest like Claymore did with Clare and Raki.
Wasted opportunity to appeal to SS fans.
12. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I really hated that the big buff waifu got turned into a L**i and stayed in that form most of the time. Japanese probably loved the L**i Grimm through.
Also what everyone has been saying, the series should have focussed on adventure and world building instead of losing so much time on that terrible exam arc.
14. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>I really hated that the big buff waifu got turned into a L**i and stayed in that form most of the time
Yeah that was shit, only reason I gave a damn about the series was because of the b**ty woman.
Which I guess says it all, really, when it comes to why this didn’t go anywhere.
13. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Just give it an easier platform. Jump is too axe grindy.
15. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
two girl protags
16. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Just dropping in to say that samurai 8 was shite from chapter 1. The art was messy, no way to know the flow. I dropped it after the first 10 pages or so. I knew it was doomed to fail.
Similar thing to red hood, art was a bit to rough, yet good enough and waifu hot enough to warrant a read past chapter 1, but when they just stayed in the hamlet it was doomed. Then they shot it in the head by transitioning to exam arc straight away.
Best part was actually the traveling between the two first arcs. It showed the world and had a minor monster to hunt (crab). They could have kept it like that a bit more until both main characters were fleshed out more, but we basically got blank slate and muscle waifu and then they focused on side characters.
Complete failure to actually write an interesting story
17. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I think I genuinely am the only person who liked the arstyle.
18. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I would’ve just made it about Grimm hunting monsters. She’s what everyone was reading for and I think the artist knew it.
19. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
They actually leave the village after chapter 1
Give the MC’s some better motivation to drive the plot forward. Maybe the wolf form the village escaped? Or Velou somehow gets blamed for murder and has to catch the wolf who did it to prove his innocence.
20. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Or make him have a loved one being sent to the capital, a castle or any way you represent a safe and confortable place thanks to him hunting the monsters.
21. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
not make it.
22. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Make Velo a more entertaining character, in my opinion that was it’s biggest weakness. It can have all the hot BIG women in the world, but if I don’t want to watch or root for the MC then there’s no point as an action series.
I don’t know why we’re having this thread again.
23. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Grimm on her own was good enough, if anything Velou should’ve either been ditched after chapter 1 or become the deuteragonist.
24. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Grimm needed another chatacter to bounce off of, and Velo would’ve been ok as an audience surrogate/straight man. But the author kinda dropped the ball.
25. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>female protag
Thanks god jump didn’t care about westoids
26. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
27. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Undead Unluck.
28. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
delete it from memory is good start
29. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Make the art more readable.
Make the story a LOT less cliche.
That being said, tune down the amount of f**king dialogue.
The “twins” battle right at the start should’ve been 2 chapters at the most.
No f**king academy/tournament arc.
Make the MC a little girl.
Make the entire story centered around them trying to get to the guild (so one big adventure).
30. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>Make the MC a little girl.
31. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
After chapter one I was expecting them to travel around the fantasy world for a bit, fighting various monsters from other fairy tales on the way to the guild.
Instead they stayed in the same village fighting the same creature. It immediately killed my interest so I dropped it at chapter 2. Chapter 1 is just an introduction, you should move to new things immediately after. If you recycle the same content as chapter 1 and don’t expand on the world building, it’s guaranteed to fail.
2. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Make a different manga.
3. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Learn from the mistakes of the last one, then make a different manga.
32. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
More big ladies
