1. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Do you tend to watch more anime or read more manga?
2. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Anime is superior in every way.
3. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Neither I read light novels nowdays
4. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Why? it’s garbage vwithout visuals
5. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
That fight was 10x better in the anime
6. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
It was worse in the anime
8. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Manga, but some battle series work much better as anime. Both mediums have their place
9. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Manga. Most anime exists just to advertise the manga, and it shows. Segments cut, shit funding, horrible animation, etc. I’d argue though that anime has a clearly higher ceiling due to actual animation, music, color, and other shit that a black and white comic simply cannot do. But anime also has a much, much lower floor, and more often than not it’s closer to the floor than the ceiling.
10. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
never watch anime, only read manga
11. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Right now it’s just manga. Will watch anime if it’s an original that seems good or a series I liked a lot.
Last anime I watched, was Vivy and in the end it was kind of shit lol
Next one will probably be Chainsawman (I will be here to watch /a/ implode and burn down)
12. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Manga. There’s no point in watching an inferior version of something
13. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Watch the anime and if I like it, catch up with the manga. So probably 50/50.
14. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I read manga but I wait to watch anime with girls. I don’t like watching it alone and it’s a good ice breaker
15. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I don’t watch anime at all
Manga has much more appealing art, has the intended story and pacing and whatnot, and I generally enjoy quietly reading in bed, so I see no reason to bother with adaptions.
16. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I haven’t watched any anime in several years, save for Ghibli movies since a friend of mine hadn’t seen them before. I don’t have the patience for it anymore, I prefer manga where I can read at my own pace wherever I want.
17. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
manga. I’ve seen most of the high quality easily-accessible anime at this point, and my attention span allows for actively reading at whatever speed much better than just watching something.
18. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
with so many anime being adaptations of manga, i just go with the source
19. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Depends on the season but as time goes on I watch less and less anime and read more and more manga
Most anime tend to have much lower quality art than manga and not even utilize the potential that sound and animation offer so why even bother
20. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Anime. Why the f**k would I want to slog through black and white schizophrenic sketches written backwards with a bunch of unintelligible symbols scrawled and crammed into a tiny text box while more and larger scribbles are plastered all over the actual “art” to serve as sound effects?
21. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Watch anime, read the manga 5 years later once it’s actually finished
22. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
90% of the time. But in some rare cases, I pick the anime over the manga if the art is really low effort or I don’t like the art style.
23. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
It used to be anime but I’ve switched over to manga especially if it’s a really long series.
24. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I find that manga are generally better than their anime adaptations most of the time.
25. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I’ve watched 550+ anime series. I’ve read 1 manga series.
I should probably read more manga because ReLIFE manga was so much better than the anime.
26. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I mainly read manga and only watch anime on a whim. Manga is just quicker.
27. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Anime > manga
28. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Anime as always, only read manga when I find something interesting .
29. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Watching, because I’m lazy, and it’s easier to find translated anime than manga, at least in my experience.
30. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Manga, it’s just so much faster plus it allows you to be actually up to date on different series.
31. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I dont bother with anime. Only read manga. Unless its an original anime
7. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
More or less the same, don’t have patience for LN these days though.
