まちカドまぞく 2丁目©伊藤いづも・芳文社/まちカドまぞく 2丁目製作委員会
1. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
What do you do when you’re ruining your life due to depression and anxiety?
2. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Do nothing and hate yourself because you know that that won’t change anything. Then continue doing nothing.
3. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Overthinking, not taking action with any thing, struggling with friendships, and depression
4. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Pick myself up by the bootstraps, over the course of a decade.
Next time I’ll be more efficient.
人の助けを借りないこと、自助努力 ◆通例、pull oneself up by one’s bootstrapsという表現で使われる
5. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Seek therapy.
6. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Get medical help with the true chemical basis for your depression.
Exercise a little to make everything work better, including your brain.
Get out and do ANYTHING, so that you don’t ruminate over past pain quite as much.
Stay off social media, which makes depression so much worse.
Get therapeutic help to identify steps you can take to change your way of thinking about things.
Source: Me, a middle aged man with depression for probably 45 years, treated for 22 years (with wavering success), and who has been on several trips around this rollercoaster.
7. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
そこから逃れるために、 一日寝てしまわないように、ベッドから家から、無理やり自分を連れ出す。寝すぎの悪循環を断ち切ることは、自分にとって大きな助けになる。でもそうするためのモチベーションやエネルギーを確保するのが最も難しい部分だ。最初はかなり酷く、スロースタートだ
I lay in my bed and stare at my phone. Sleep entirely too much.
To help myself: I force myself out of my bed, out of my house so I can’t sleep all day. Disrupting the cycle/opportunity of oversleeping helps me immensely. But getting the motivation/energy to do it is the hardest part. It’s a slow start, pretty ugly at first.
8. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Hate myself and wonder where I f**ked up
9. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Seek help find a positive hobbie and try to hang out with positive people
10. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
参考 シロシビンでメンタルヘルス治療!? 幻覚療法の最前線。VOGUEシロシビンあるいはサイロシビン(Psilocybin、4-ホスホリルオキシ-N,N-ジメチルトリプタミン)は、マジックマッシュルームと一般に称されるキノコに含有される成分で、幻覚剤に分類される、インドールアルカロイドの一種。シロシン(Psilocin)のプロドラッグであり、つまり、同じく菌内で共存しているシロシンのリン酸エステルであり、体内でシロシビンの加水分解により作用の主となるシロシンとなる。シビレタケ属やヒカゲタケ属といったハラタケ目のキノコに含まれる。
12. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Clean my house.
I find that my house being dirty makes my depression worse; cleaning it is both a mindless task and just generally makes me feel better, which I can use for more energy to do the other things that make me feel better (eating better, exercising more, etc.).
13. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
I was moving and the boxes in my room were just causing me to be anxious and depressed.
14. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Ruin it even more with w**d
15. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Exercise till I can’t move then sleep
16. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Stop for a minute and evaluate what I’ve been doing, maybe take a walk and shower if I need to clear my mind. After my mind is clear, make a list of what I can be doing to improve and work on it one by one.
17. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Jeez all these multiparagraph responses and mine was “Drink till it goes away.”
Man you should….probably listen to them.
18. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
I snuggle with my dogs then go ride my horse. Also pot brownies help a lot.
19. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
sleeping and gaming. i’m only really happy when i’m alone yet i do love company so gaming really helped.
20. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Take a walk. That shit is majestic.
21. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating well
22. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
1. 運動していますか?
2. きちんと食事をしていますか?
3. 気が進まなくとも友達と会ったりしていますか?
4. 自分の気持ちについて誰かに話したことがありますか?
I see a lot of people saying “get therapy” but this isn’t an option available to a lot of people due to cost and lack of funding in many countries. A lot of people don’t realise that mental health and physical health are strongly related. There are a lot behaviours you can change to improve your mood and lower anxiety. Ask yourself:
1. Are you exercising?
2. Are you eating properly?
3. Are you socialising and seeing friends even if you don’t want to?
4. Have you reached out to someone about how you’re feeling?
Doctors are really quick to put people on medication but less quick to explain that there are other options out there!
23. 蠱惑の壺 r/AskReddit
Several cups of coffee
