出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
1. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
The final 10 episodes begin…NOW!
2. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
The rollercoaster starts here. Are we f**king ready Daibros?
3. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>final 10 episodes
official announcement or estimate based on the manga?
4. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Official announcement says it has 100 episodes.
5. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>King Vearn is a dummy Mystavearn created
6. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
You’re close anon

出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
9. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I’m just wondering about the reason. Also that Kill boss is a pretty big revelation.
10. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>Also that Kill boss is a pretty big revelation
Yeah theirs gonna be a lot of plot dumped into these final 9 episodes

出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
11. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>ywn be saved by the ashes of your arch-rival who died in your arms.
Why even live.
12. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Hell of an asspull here, but it’s Chadlar, so I’ll allow it.
13. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
It’s not an asspull if there’s magic and shit involved, it’s f**king fantasy.
14. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Asspulls can exist in fantasy, but considering that Hadlar specializes in fire and he’s probably extremely fire-resistant I appreciate how this quality saved Avan.
7. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Avan is a chad
8. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
You done f**ked up, Kill

出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
15. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
The preview for next week looks like they went in hard with the animation. I’m excited.
16. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Kill’s attack looked great in this episode too.
17. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/

出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
30. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/

出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
18. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
19. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Wonder if the people that complained about the pacing being too quick early on in the anime are happy now with the current glacial phase
21. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I’ve really grown fond of Mystvearn, so I personally have no problem with the current pacing. But it’s nice that Dai is getting focus again next episode.
22. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/

出典:ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険(C)三条陸、稲田浩司/集英社・ダイの大冒険製作委員会・テレビ東京 (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
23. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>Avan wanted to make sure he died
24. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>Fell for his own trap
The hubris
25. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
アバンはgary stu(男版メアリー・スー)だな
Avan is a gary stu
26. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
27. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Not even close.
28. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>10 episodes left
The end is in sight.
29. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I’m gonna Myst miss so much.
31. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
これは馬鹿げてないか?アバンは初期はハドラーよりずっと弱かったし、何度も復活したけどそれでもメインキャストや強い軍団長と比べたら間に合わせみたいなもんだった、なんでアバンはあんなに強いんだ? ノヴァや変身前のヒムよりずっと弱いはずなのに
This is stupid as shit, Avan was way weaker than Hadlar in his first revival form, he had several and even then he was still fodder compared to any of the main cast or strong demon army commanders, how the f**k is avan so strong? He should be way weaker than Nova or Hym before his transformation
32. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
He fought a lot of monsters
33. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
> How does this RPG character get stronger over time???
34. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/-+
He found metal slimes
35. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
He didn’t really overpower Kill at any point, he basically outwit him and had lots of lucky shots (Kill taking the glove back to their world, surviving two instakill attacks thanks to Chadlar’s ashes, Kill catching the fire from his own attack, Kill not noticing the extra blade)
36. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
So what, Vearn is a real phoenix, I guess an equivalent to a Dragon Knight and the old Vean is some kind of vessel with a bit of his power?
Also kind of dumb not to kill the cyclops? He might even be the real boss of the underworld like with the Vearn
37. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
great episode
38. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
good episode, one problem though, I understand avan being safe from fire thanks to chadler’s ashes but how did it save him from magante?
39. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
He got out before the judge exploded, I think.
40. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Nah, he said he had no idea how he survived it, and that he was the only human ever to take two Megante spells and survive.
41. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
megante explosion was also fire based i guess
based CHADLAR ashes are good enough to survive 2 instakill attacks
42. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Just noticed, the console game isn’t out yet? They’re waiting for the anime to end?
43. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
It’s in development hell because they have no idea how to make it appealing. The gameplay from the one video they shared looked kinda dull.
I’d reshape it for a Musou like Hyrule Warriors, would be the safe route and fun enough.
45. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Why not just make a normal numbered Dragon Quest game with these characters?
44. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
I’d wished they take the ballsy move and adapt the entire show as a proper DQ mainline game.
46. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
>those spoilers in the preview
Jesus f**king christ.
47. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Fusion time
48. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
You know how when you’re watching a movie and there’s like 20 minutes to go with the only thing left to fight the main villain, but you don’t care anymore because all the plot points have been resolved? I’m like 5 episodes behind and that’s how I feel with this.
49. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
That’s where you’re wrong though because there are a few really fantastic moments here.
50. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
Anyways, I’m glad that Killvearn is dead. But I’m disappointed that the previews show Vearn getting revived.
51. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Nahhhh man just when I think this series can’t get better it does. First of all wtf, the twist with mystvearn being vearn/vearn shadow was really a shock, but given how easily “vearn” went down to dai i knew there had to be something bigger.
Avan and Kill’s end was so satisfying tho. Kill been talking so much shit for the entire series and I loved seeing Avan just thoroughly outsmart him lol. Him even admitting that he was scared was also cool.
We also have to talk about hadlar’s ashes protecting Avan. The character development in this series is among the best in the medium. From hyunckel, Hadlar, Popp, Lon Beruk etc etc just so many people growing immensely over the course of these 90 episodes. Hadlar going from this evil diabolical being to even helping the heroes down the stretch is reminiscent of Vegeta/piccolo.
Looks like the real final battle starts next week, can’t wait.
52. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Killvearn’s name is meant to imply he was to “Kill Vearn” under certain circumstances. WHO IS HIS MASTER?!
I have always been suspicious of the tiny cyclops familiar. That thing has been screaming “big baddie hiding under our noses” ever since we first saw Killvearn, so it would be rad to see him to be revealed as Killvearn’s master in disguise.
And Mystvearn is the actual demon lord. So what is the old version of Vearn supposed to be I wonder. XD
Shapeshifting Sensei was awesome. I did not see that one coming.
53. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Well, next week is the last ten episodes folks. And with Killvearn’s fight ending this week, and as we see in the preview, only 2 fights left in the show. God this is gonna be insane.
54. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
To those who speculated that Killvearn’s true identity could be Avan. Congratulations, you were partially right.
To be fair, Avan shouldn’t have saved Killvearn from the flames if he really didn’t trust the reaper, but I suppose it’s more ironic for the trap-geek reaper to be killed by a trap himself.
Hadlar may be gone, but he’s still helping the team out against Vearn, one being him and another being his ash. So he is technically still fighting alongside the heroes, which is what we wanted to see.
55. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
PSA: If you hadn’t read the manga, skip next episode preview.
56. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
When this show started, my guess was that Killvearn and Mystvearn was two sides of Vearn.
But someone told me I was wrong, then I wondered if Avan was Killvearn resurrected, because he started appearing after Avan “died” (since Myst was already in the army at the start).
Guess I was wrong but partly correct on both guesses lol, since Avan dressed up as Kill for a bit.
57. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
That’s hilarious lol.
58. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Hadlar keeps being a bro even after death
59. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
We see more character development even after he dies.
We see even MORE character development, because he also clones himself unto a metal version.
I really like this character. Talk about zero to hero.
60. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
At first, I was disappointed in Avan’s survivals, but seeing Hadlar give a thumbs up while smirking made it all go away.
