1. 蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/
What is something that makes you immediately dislike someone?
2. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
They laugh about having screwed someone else over. If you think you’re not next, well, you’ll learn.
3. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
When they treat their kids shitty in public. I don’t mean handling tantrums, setting a rule, having to hurry to the train etc. I mean perfectly normal-behaved kids getting in trouble for trailing along peacefully, looking at things, asking questions etc.
If you don’t like tiny humans who learn the world, why have them??
4. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
This one always hurts my heart. I can’t imagine hollering at them at the store because they stopped to ask what something was, or wanted to look at the fish tank, or asked for a banana… they’re just kids
5. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Treating people shitty in public for laughs. Like being rude to service workers because they think it’s funny. Big red flag
6. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Fr my “friend” literally tries to make fun of everyone he sees with like no filter he makes fun of stutters, the janitor at our school, people that are overweight, mental disability kids literally no filter someday I’m gonna blow and f**king smash his head in
7. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
They put others down.
8. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
when you mention you don’t like a thing and they immediately do that thing “as a joke”
10. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Or they do/say something that normal people find offensive and when you take offence, they’re all “it was just a joke”. No it wasn’t a joke, and you are an asshole.
9. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
I was the silly college kid who did this once, and who lost a good friend because of it. It was one of life lessons that changed me.
11. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
MLM scheme(マルチ商法、Multi-level marketing)の勧誘をしてくる
If they try to get me to join their MLM scheme
12. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
A guy I used to be friends with in high school reached out a couple of years after graduating about a business opportunity he wanted my opinion on because “you’ve always been smart”, then he set up a Skype call and brought some other dude into the call and they started trying to sell me on what was clearly an MLM scheme. The guy went from friend to ‘I’m never talking to you again’ in a matter of 10 minutes.
14. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
I got an out-of-the-blue DM on Instagram from a high school friend that I hadn’t talked to in forever.
We were very good friends in high school but like a lot of people, we just stopped talking regularly after we graduated. And it was a bit weird but I actually reached out to a lot of old friends randomly to catch up during the peak of lockdown here so I was actually really excited to hear from her.
Nope. After quick pleasantries, it was a “have you ever considered a career change to something where you can work your own hours, work from home, and make a ton of money still? I didn’t think I would ever be able to do it but…” and so on.
Never even replied after that. Just closed the message and moved on. How disappointing.
13. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Thats how i lost my closest friend
15. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
When they completely lack empathy but expect it from you
16. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
My father does this. He nitpicks the f**k out of my tone even though knows I’m mildly autistic and thus can’t understand tone as well as neurotypical people.
17. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
his was my ex. I had to be intuitive to his emotions and feelings, he said because he had ptsd but then he never cared about how I was feeling (I also had ptsd from domestic violence). I would say I feel anxious and sad and he couldn’t even be bothered to give me a hug unless I asked for one…
18. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Isn’t that a narcissist?
19. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
People who cheer for war. Utter morons.
20. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
People who say things like “these people bore me”. Like tf, others don’t exist purely for your entertainment. These people need to realize at a certain point that they’re most certainly the boring ones. If you’re bored in a conversation, try to make it engaging. If that fails, then just leave and do something you find fun. All I imagine are these people standing there waiting to be impressed while having literally nothing to offer in return
21. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
My mom always says “only boring people get bored” and I’ve always liked that saying, surely people have the ability to entertain themselves without relying on others!
22. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Interrupting me in a group setting like I don’t exist or like I must have just been talking to myself.
23. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
I see you’ve met my family.
24. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
People who embarrass kids for a laugh.
25. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Double standard
26. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Double standards are the worst! I value consistency and logicality far above always picking the right side to be on.
27. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
If they’re rude for no reason.
28. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Especially if they’re nice to people they find attractive, but rude to people they find unattractive. As a woman, this is one of my big pet peeves with guys. Even if they’re nice to me, I’ll instantly dislike them if I see them treating someone badly because they’re “unworthy.”
29. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
You say you like a thing and they immediately start putting it down
30. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
When someone treats retail workers like garbage. I immediately detest their existence.
31. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
他人の視点には全く耳を貸さないのに、自分の視点だけは正しいと思ってる人 #スモールマインド
People who don’t listen to others POV and think only their POV is correct. #smallminded
32. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
What if their POV is “I think taxes should be removed, no property tax, no carbon tax etc etc”
Me: “But how do you fund infrastructure and education and services?”
Them: “You get it from elsewhere”
Me: “Where? “
Them: “I don’t know, but it’s there”
Actual conversation this morning…
33. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
this is my parents when i have a political opinion that isnt “democrats bad”.
34. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Sounds like my dad and step dad. My dad is extremely liberal and my step dad is extremely conservative. They are entirely more alike than they’d ever admit. Ones a lawyer, ones a neuropsychiatrist, so they’re not exactly stupid. Yet they use the exact same rhetoric to describe the other side
If I merely so much as suggest the other side has a point I automatically get called a trump supporter or a communist depending on which one I’m talking to. You can never win
35. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Wait . . . Do we have the same parents?
36. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
probably not. a lot of older people are unopen to the other side of the political argument.
37. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
When you lose small mind, you free your life
39. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
“It’s because we are family, friends, relatives, co-workers etc”. Most of the time it’s their way of saying I can do whatever you want because of our relationship.
40. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
This is so f**king true
41. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
I lose count on how many times I met someone like this. I usually backed off because it can go downhill pretty fast.
42. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Treating staff, waiters, etc. badly.
43. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Exactly. Nothing screams “I am a total and utter piece of shit” than yelling at the teenage checkout operator over something that is very obviously not their fault.
44. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
People coughing in their hands and touching everything.
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Cruelty towards animals. That’s an absolute deal killer.
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excessive name repetition
49. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Yeh, I know what you mean. It’s an old sales trick; people like to hear their own name, so if you keep saying their name they will buy from you. It’s absolutely cringey.
50. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
People who think they are intelligent and act super pretentious but arent.. intelligent like they just memorize some random stuff from history or something they read online or in school. therse no critical thinking involved just “im so smart I know this” well memorized.
51. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
Intelligence is the speed in which you can learn and truely understand something beyond what is already known to other people, not the amount of random facts you remember
45. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
They use their zodiac sign as an excuse for bad behavior
46. 蠱惑の壺 AskReddit
“Sorry, I’m a cancer!”
Yeah, you sure are
