出典:サイバーパンク: エッジランナーズ© 2022 CD PROJEKT S.A.
サイバーパンク: エッジランナーズ3話「Smooth Criminal/裏稼業」感想
1. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I really like how they set up the mystery of Gloria’s funding over the first three episodes, and how she was able to send David to Corpo College. There’s little snippets that get dropped, but it comes very nicely together to set up Episode 3.
This was the “Payday” Gloria was constantly alleging to in Episode 1.
2. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I really like the boss…actually he might straight up the nicest guy since the series started which is kinda wild, good advice as well instead of manipulating him
I wonder if David is gonna go ham with the implants, I don’t think that could end well…hopefully he doesn’t over do it
The chase with all those sandevistan uses was wild but I wonder how in the hell did David manage to not get his brain, might be because they were multiple but short activations of the sandevistan?
3. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Yeah at the beginning of the episode I’m thinking he was gonna be a hard ass and basically tell Dee he has to pay the money back with interest otherwise he’s toast. But immediately calms down a bit and even shows respect when he learns that he’s Gloria’s kid
4. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Hacking scene straight outta the game, love it!
5. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Hella strong “Fast and Furious” vibes from the third act holy moly.
Dave feels like Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) when he first entered the gang family.
6. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I just thought that myself.. this episode felt pretty nostalgic because of that.
7. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I’m getting some strong Black Lagoon inspo from this.
8. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Rock = David (Guy who gets into some shit way out of his depth and ends up joining a gang, quiting his old way of life).
Revy = Lucina (Mysterious female protagonist you intially can’t really trust who has an interesting relationship with the MC that you can’t really figure out).
Dutch = Maine (Big bro that is leader of the gang).
9. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Music in this show slaps. Enjoying the visuals so far as well.
10. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Love the music. Please someone help me find the song they played during the celebration when David is talking to Maine
11. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
It’s something Polish
12. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
見つけたPAFFのJuss Wine
Found it. It’s called Juss Wine by PAFF
13. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Cyberpunk 2077 always had great music. The soundtrack is really good which I’m guessing they’re using here
14. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
That’s Akira Yamaoka unless I’m mistaken, he did Silent Hill’s music too.
15. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I like how it’s kinda janky with the car scene when had to run over the divider. Reminds me of when I played the game.
16. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
His driving was 100% a reference to the game. I pulled almost the exact same fender benders the first time I drove in the game. Just immediately crashing into the sidewalk.
17. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I hope that was a reference to the janky driving in the game lol. I was laughing
18. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I’m currently playing the game for the first time, and oh boy apparently the one thing we have IRL they don’t is power steering…
19. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
The tech is not there yet
20. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Maine is best boss bro! Although after last episode I’m a bit scared of everyone betraying David. This shows put me on edge
21. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Betraying, or dying. Don‘t know what would hit harder. I was on the edge of my seat when mister three right eyes fixer showed up for sure.
22. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Yeah I have a bad feeling lol
23. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Shit after the boss’s suggestion I really wanna see David get some new implants
24. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Man haven’t heard the song from the opening in a decade. Burnout paradise was the shit
25. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
burnout 3 too
26. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Maine is Jax from Mortal Kombat. Thought he sounded familiar
27. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
And the people that jumped him are offering him a job, especially since at least they are pretty reasonable since from their perspective he took something from them.
The Arm guy freaks me out.
Rebecca is thicc and short, makes a nice contrast to Lucy.
28. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
The day he becomes able to drink those things without reacting is gonna be quite sad, right now he is still a kid and he could still get out of the trap, even if there’s another trap waiting for him
29. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Well, these guys turned out to be pretty cool (ignoring the fact that they would’ve ripped the implant off his back if it wasn’t for his mom). Still, you can get the sense that Maine genuinely cares for those part of his crew with the fact that he paid upfront just because Gloria said she needed it, and that he stopped considering tearing his implant off then and there the moment he learned he was her kid. So yeah, I already know it’s gonna suck if any of Maine and his crew bite the dust.
30. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Another great episode! Love the new crew. Very much like the game. Also I had to laugh a bit at the end. This kid was betrayed and sold off pretty brutally and he still in love with the girl lol. Hope it ends well.
31. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
At the end of the episode did Lucy have s◯◯ with that freaky arms guy?
35. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I wondered the same thing. It’s probably one of those annoying tropes where the author leaves things open to viewer interpretation.
32. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
I didn’t see it that way. I think there’s no answer to it necessarily (inb4 the next episode does answer it lol), I think what’s important is David’s perception of the situation there.
The way the scene is framed it looks like David is thinking that Lucy did have s** with the guy, which makes him depressed. Whether she had s** or not isn’t really relevant for the narrative.
33. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
In this episode the mood finally starts to lightens up, and we see David make his first step into the underground scene. I guess the first 2 episode were mainly focused on giving us David’s backstory, and quite successful at that.
Did anyone notice the subbed version of it has Maine calling Rebecca Berca? Spelt ”BECCA” on screen, but maine pronounced it differently, and she introduces herself as Rebecca in the end.
The Mizutani, the 6 wheel cadilac, the monk in the first ep…I’m consistently glad all those little details from the game are shown in the anime, the immersion is truely next level- it just feel like Night City!
And that Faraday- so scary! That 3 eye prosthetic sure is cool huh?
And kinda funny now the lrinciple gotta beg David to come back to school. Lol!
Also Maine is really looking to be a great boss. Looks like David’s got himeself a new crew/family!
34. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Am I wrong or right after David showing the trick with the cigarette (guess 5th minute of the episode) , there is playing the song form Parasite Eve or Resident Evil game ??? I totally remember this melody from the childhood
36. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 reddit
Show is growing on me. Really digging it
37. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
I liked the glitchy car chase scene. Was just like the game.
38. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Studio Trigger never disappoints
39. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Super fun. looking forward to watching the rest tonight/later this week
40. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
本当に良かった、たとえ規制版でもね。明日全部視聴するつもり 🙂 このままだと、ネットランナーを作るために、またゲームをインストールすることになりそう。
Really liked it, even it was censored version. Will binge watch it tomorrow 🙂 Even makes me install Cyberpunk again, to do some netrunner build.
41. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
I really liked the first three episodes, it had some wild energy, the vibe almost reminded me a little of Gurren Lagann kind of. Good animation, wild music choice. Its only 10 episodes so I will probably binge the whole thing later.
42. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Looks like our boy David has found some allies for himself and now he can live on his own. Loving it so far. Both the OP and ED are great. Wanna know more about Lucy tho.
43. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Yeah thought he’d join them. The big guy seems like a reasonable fellow.
44. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
That perfect representation of in-game vehicles physics in that car chase tho!
46. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
just like playing Grand theft auto
45. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
So far it’s enjoyable. Better paced than most anime out there. Enough to make me watch it which is rare nowadays. Just hope Trigger doesn’t f**k up the ending by making some convoluted final arc, because that’s the only thing they’ve been consistent on their shows
47. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
veri cool + Polish music
48. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Compelling and fun, it’s always nice to see Imaishi be restrained by a more down-to-earth script, and without the usual cosmic anime battles his work usually falls in to.
49. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Combination of the world of Cyberpunk and the animation of studio Trigger is mindblowing.
50. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
I love it, the athmosphere was awesome
51. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
lucy is hot af…
52. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
I have a midterm to work on but here comes this anime I feel compelled to watch more of than I have time for lol
53. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
quite strange to hear polish song in anime
54. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
That big guy really strong XD
55. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Lucy design is DOPE.
Liking the characters way more than I thought, honestly when I saw the rating I was skepitcal, but this mighy as well been some of the best stuff I have seen this year.
And I have yet to play the game, despite buying it a few months back, so the anime really had a great timing!
56. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
high hopes for the rest of the season :)))
57. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
After seeing shorts from the English dub I decided to roll with it, and I’m not disappointed, Rebecca’s voice actress does a stellar job. Also, I was surprised to hear a Polish song in anime (towards the end of the episode), it took me a while to process what I was hearing.
58. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
The song in the last scene was great, soundtrack is great so far, I’m guessing it’s all from the game itself
59. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
メインに尋問され、脅されても冷静でいるデイビッドは評価するべき。その冷静さのおかげで、人生への再チャンスを掴んだんだ。ジャンカルロ・ジュゼッペ・アレッサンドロ・エスポジートが望むような標準には達していないけど、新人としてはかなりよくやったと思う。クルーにようこそ…といったところ。ただデイビッドは運転は早くうまくなった方がいいね、もしくはCD Projekt Redはゲームを改善する必要がある、と言うべきか。デイビッドはグリッチやバグを利用してバイクギャングから逃げてるよ
You have to hand it to David there to stay calm when he’s essentially interrogated and threatened by Maine. Thanks to his composure he got another chance back at life with David’s first gig. Although it’s not up to standard as Giancarlo Giuseppe Alessandro Esposito wishes it to be, he did pretty well for a rookie. Welcome to the crew I guess. He might want to improve his driving skills though, or perhaps shall I say, CD Projekt Red need to improve the game, Cyberpunk 2077 is so f**king buggy that even Edgerunner portrayed it as such in this episode lol. My guy out here using the glitches and bugs to outrun a bike gang.
60. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Saw just 3 episodes and i love it, This was exited one. I hope for little more e◯◯hi scenes.
61. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
I didn’t expect the boss to be that kind, glad that it’s not the typical rude ass boss cliche
62. 海外の反応 蠱惑の壺 MAL
Rebecca is hella cute.
